Wednesday, April 22, 2009

OK, OK, Enough Already...

Who knew turning off comments would create such a, well, thing? A to-do. A phalanx of perspicacious refugees looking for a place to mix-and-match letters and words in semi-coherent sentences? And that's fine. We all has a sad because Frontburner doesn't allow comments anymore. Yes. We do. But let's also admit that, if they turned them on at 1:15 p.m. today, we'd all be back over there, some with their snarky tinfoil hats in hand, ready to go at it again. So really, enough with the "Frontburner sucks." No, it actually didn't suck. It was quite fun there for a while. Right now, it's kind of like hearing that woman behind you have her really loud cell phone conversation while you're waiting in a line. Yeah, it sounds halfway interesting, but you know you're missing half the conversation, so you tune out. So yeah, I'm bummed. But I'm bummed because it was a great place to converse, and now it's gone. The same way I'd be bummed if Half Price Books on Northwest Highway burned down. Would I visit the site of its burned out hull every day and mourn it's passing? No. If I had a bad experience there one time, would I show up and take a whiz or a dump in the parking lot, whilst waving a single digit? No. For one thing, that's gross, but another? Well, let's put it this way - I had this teacher that once pointed out that the biggest insult you can give your enemy is to just not care about them at all. Hate takes time and effort. Indifference takes little at all, and is by far less flattering. But Frontburner sucks? Always sucked? Really? Then why have a sad about it at all - call it a crummy blog that you'll never visit again and be done with it. Because right now, a lot of people are getting the window smudged with their nose and hand prints.