Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Of This, and That, the It's Summer, Get Off My Butt Edition
So yeah, I took a brief siesta. But there's a buttload of news just awaiting our comments, and since you can't do that much anywhere else, I give you this:
1. Why does it matter if Food Network contestant Melissa doesn't look like the pic on the FN Web site? I mean, it's not like the DMN does anything like that.
2. Apparently, a movie version of "The A-Team" may happen. Who's gonna play B.A. Baracas? According to imdb, rapper Common will.
3. In Cindy Adams news, MSN is featuring a story about the most expensive 'burbs to live in. Highland Park is on the list. Only problem? Apparently the city moved five miles north of Dallas.
4. Nooooooooo......really?
5. Fellow blogger Amy Severson has an excellent (and inside) take on the whole Hinojosa's son benefited from Hillcrest program kerfuffle.
6. National Review's Ed Whelan decided to out an anonymous blogger - who happens to be a law professor in South Texas.