Sunday, March 9, 2008

So it's been a while since I posted...

This is true. I'm a horrible blogger. I'll explain more as to why I got so horrifically busy that I didn't blog more, but I've also decided that, come rain or shine, I need to start writing more. I'm pretty sure it's what is going to keep me the ray of sunshine everyone has come to know and love. That being said, I need to catch everyone up. Personally, I've been titrating. That sounds really dirty, I know. What many don't know is that I've suffered from chronic migraines since I was 15. I've tried just about every kind of drug known to man, and I'm pretty sure that at points my drug cabinet has rivaled Keith Richards'. However, my doctor now has me trying Topamax, which was originally a drug used to control seizures. Titrating happened a month or so ago, and was a bitch. Apparently, I found a new side effect - insomnia - whilst titrating up. I started at the 25 milligram stage, and was fine. At 50 mg, I was OK, but a little jittery. At 75 mg, I suddenly couldn't sleep to save my life. I didn't sleep for four days. I had the shakes. I was entering rooms like Kramer from Seinfeld. The good news is, since starting it, I've gone from 10 migraines in a month to two, and instead of being a 10 in terms of pain, they were about a five. Workwise, I'm working for a communications firm. I miss writing for the general public - which is why I really need to be writing more here, I suppose. I'm also working on the book.